Understanding and Applying the INCOSE SE Handbook Fourth Edition (Novice)


Tutorial: 4
When: Sat 07, Jul 08:00-17:00
Where: Declaration B
Keywords: systems engineering; handbook; SE processes
Meeting listing: Open
Abstract: The Fourth Edition of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (SEH) was released in 2015. The objective of this one-day tutorial is to provide a top-level overview of the handbook and how it can be used to plan, manage, and realize complex systems within the context of demanding business constraints. Participants are introduced to key Systems Engineering terminology, concepts, and principles in the handbook, answering questions such as:
• What is Systems Engineering and why is it important?
• Why is the INCOSE SEH relevant to you and your organization?
• What are the key Systems Engineering processes in the SE Handbook?
• How can you use the material in the SE Handbook to make a difference on your projects?
Practical information and tools are provided that will help the participants deal with issues that inevitably occur in the real world. The participants will complete several team-based exercises to solidify the concepts being presented. Each student will receive a complete set of lecture notes and an annotated bibliography.
Note: this tutorial is an overview of the handbook and does not include the level of detail typically presented in an INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) preparation course.
David Walden
: David D. Walden, ESEP, is co-owner and principal consultant for Sysnovation, LLC, a Systems Engineering consulting and training firm he formed in 2006. Previously, Mr. Walden was with General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems for 13 years and McDonnell Aircraft Company for 10 years. Mr. Walden was the lead editor of the INCOSE SE Handbook Fourth Edition. He is an INCOSE liaison to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Working Groups 10 and 20. Mr. Walden was Program Manager of the INCOSE Certification Program from 2007-2013. He has an M.S. in Management of Technology (MOT) from the University of Minnesota, an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and in Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Valparaiso University in Indiana. Mr. Walden was one of the first to earn the INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) credential in 2004 and was awarded the INCOSE Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) credential in 2011.