Empowering Women Leadership Forum: "Embracing Systems Engineering Leadership Diversity"


Invited Content: EWLSE
When: Sat 07, Jul 08:00-16:45
Where: Independence Ballroom BC
Keywords: EWLSE
Meeting listing: Open
Abstract: Please plan to attend the Empower Women Leadership Forum: Embracing Systems Engineering Leadership Diversity to hear from leaders in the systems engineering field including Kristen Baldwin, Victoria Cox, David Long, and Bill Parkins. The Forum will kick off at 8:00 am in the morning with introduction and keynotes, with a networking break from 9:30 – 10:00am, and then a “Leadership Journey” panel from 10:00 am to noon where the panelists will talk about their leadership style, what works, what has been challenging, and provide some anecdotal examples that have been turning points in their leadership journey, and more. After lunch, the forum will pick back up at 1:30pm with a professionally led hands-on interactive workshop for the attendees for the afternoon with a short networking break from 3:00 – 3:30pm. The forum ends about 4:45pm to allow time for setting up for the 5:00 – 6:00pm Empowering Women Reception - forum attendees are invited and can expect attendance from many INCOSE leaders at this informal networking reception. We hope to see you there!
Please send an email to ewlse@incose.org to let us know you will be attending the Leadership Forum and / or the Reception, “last minute” attendees are also welcome.