By Any Other Name: Enabling Systems Engineering in an Unsupportive Environment

Eileen Arnold (UTC/BAE Systems/Rockwell Collins (retired))
Dorothy Mckinney (Lockheed Martin (retired))

effective systems engineering;unsupportive environment;Individual influence;case studies;systems engineering practices;engineering culture;systems engineering management beliefs;initiating change;covert systems engineering;complacency

Engineers may find themselves in an organization which does not value systems engineering, or worse, in an organization which is hostile to systems engineering practices. The purpose of this paper is to help such engineers do effective systems engineering despite the lack of support. This paper offers a description of the variation found in top management beliefs and engineering cultures to aid in a diagnosis of the workplace environment. This paper then offers suggestions for appropriate actions suitable to each combination of top management belief and cultural support or hindrance for systems engineering practices. These actions can help individual engineers to implement effective systems engineering despite hindrances from the organizational culture or top management. Several case studies are included to illustrate how the approaches described have actually been implemented in their own experience.