An MBSE Architectural Framework for Inter-Satellite Communication in a Multiorbit Disaggregated System

Awele Anyanhun (Georgia Tech Research Institute)
Peter Adejokun (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics)
Matthew Hause (System Strategy Inc.)

Model Based Systems Engineering;Architectural Frameworks;Small Satellite Systems

The Multi-Orbit Disaggregated System (MODS) concept is a disaggregation strategy geared towards improved resiliency and flexibility of space missions by dispersing payloads and/or functionality across multiple small satellites (SmallSats). Although SmallSats make good candidates for deployment as a MOD System, their success hinges on the ability to realize reliable Inter-Satellite Communication (ISC). To this end, we investigate the efficacy of developing a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) Architectural Framework for ISC to guide and con-strain instantiations of ISC architecture solutions. An MBSE architectural framework is a systems engineering artifact that defines a set of views required to describe an architecture based on MBSE principles and practices. It provides a standardized structure and guidance to capture architectural decisions while maximizing opportunities for commonality, consistency, and interoperability within the Domain of Interest. To achieve well-defined architecture descriptions, a MODS architectural framework pattern, and a comprehensive architectural framework for the ISC (sub)system are created and presented. The Systems Modeling Language SysML (OMG, 2019) serves as the modeling language for the framework design.