Applying Model-Based Systems Engineering Methods to a Novel Shared Systems Simulation Methodology

Jeremy Ross, Chris Craft, Chris Caron, Stephen Pien, Ashishkumar Prajapati (Ford Motor Company)
Michael Vinarcik (University of Detroit Mercy)

SysML;MBSE;Digital Engineering;Social/Sociotechnical and Economic Systems;space architecture

The need to develop increasingly complex, integrated systems and multi-domain sys-tems-of-systems is initiating a transformation within the discipline of systems engineering. The critical trends of increasing interconnectivity, compressed development times, growing cyberse-curity concerns, and a rapidly changing workforce are driving current systems engineering prac-tices into obsolescence. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a formalized approach to systems engineering that uses models as an integral component of a system’s technical definition with the objective of enhancing communication through rigor and precision and managing system complexity. This paper discusses the application of MBSE methods to the definition of a shared systems architecture and the development of novel methodologies for extending the model-based approach from the system definition space into the system simulation and analysis domain. Ap-proaches for interface management of design properties between a model-based architecture and system simulation will be reviewed, with the effectiveness of each approach discussed.