Agile Insight - Gating Alternatives for Agile Programs

Larri Rosser (Raytheon Intelligence and Space)

Agile;Systems Engineering;Gates;Independent Reviews

Abstract. Current technical oversight approaches (e.g. Stage-Gate reviews) are not agile – their expectations are not aligned with agile development cadences, and they are not adequately re-sponsive to continuous unpredictable change. These mismatches lead to the (incorrect) assertion that agile programs don’t need technical oversight, and to more accurate concerns that current gate reviews do not effectively provide insight into gaps and risk on agile programs. Large complex agile programs need a light weight, interactive approach to technical oversight that provides insight in the form of good predictive feedback to agile programs with minimal burden of labor on the program and the reviewers. Fixed expectations of how oversight is done and non-agile oversight approaches written into contracts and processes impede the evolution of gating for agile programs. This paper explores ways to provide insight and responsive forward looking actionable guidance for agile programs and proposes a general oversight approach that produces minimal drag and disruption and keeps pace with agile product development.