A generic hierarchical Systems of Systems Engineering (SOS) Approach for Model based System Engineering (MBSE) Projects

Mohinder Pandey (S P Jain School of Global Management)

Systems of Systems (SOS);MBSE;SysML;ASPICE;AUTOSAR;Functional decomposition;Logical architecture;Physical architecture

Model based systems engineering (MBSE) has been accepted worldwide by many industries, including the automotive industry, for several years. Hundreds of projects have already been developed and deployed using MBSE approaches. MBSE is gaining importance because it provides systems advantageous life cycle processes, such as returns of investments and meeting the demands of global marketplaces, as they become increasingly complex. Consequently, the number and pace of deployment using MBSE approaches will increase in the future.

Our current work objective is to define a generic MBSE methodology using the ‘systems modelling language’ (SysML) compatible with functional decomposition principles, ‘Automotive open systems architecture’ (AUTOSAR) developments and compliant to ‘Automotive software performance improvement and capability determination’ (ASPICE) processes. We have proposed a generic SysML process framework, a hierarchical systems of systems (SOS) engineering approach and automation solutions. We have shown that the proposed solution helps meet the defined objectives. The work is targeted and relevant for automotive industry MBSE practitioners. In general, the research, apart from transportation and mobility industries, can also be used in other industries.