Back to Basics: Fundamentals for Systems Engineering Success

David Long

#SEFundamentals;Fundamentals;Requirements analysis;Systems architecture;MBSE

“I know the processes”, “we’re managing requirements”, “I have a tool”, “it’s all checklists and documents”. Systems engineering is a rich practice leveraging an evolving set of processes, methods, and tools to address problems complicated and complex. With this richness, it is easy to become lost in nuance, details, and disconnected processes. In reality, the path to systems engineering success lies in perspective, the big picture, and integration.

This half-day tutorial provides a primer to the foundational concepts of systems engineering within a framework for overall project success. We will focus on the classic systems engineering domains of requirements, behavior, architecture, and V&V. Rather than treating these in isolation, the fundamentals are positioned within a flexible systems engineering process suitable for system development tasks across the complexity spectrum. While there is a place for process and documentation standards, our focus will be on eliciting the proper requirements, understanding the problem and solution domain, enhancing communication amongst the design team and the stakeholders, and satisfying the system need. Through discussions of the fundamental concepts integrated with sample exercises, we will maintain our focus upon the true deliverables – the system itself and overall project success.