Back to Basics: Thinking Like a Systems Engineering Practitioner

Dave Walden (Sysnovation)


So, you are new systems engineering practitioner? Congratulations! Perhaps you were previously a lead software or hardware engineer in your organization. Perhaps you are starting your career with a graduate degree in systems engineering. Perhaps you don’t even have an engineering background. Now what? The objective of this half-day tutorial is to provide top-level guidance to new systems engineering practitioners on how to shift their mindset into one that will enable them success in their new position. We will focus our discussions on the following concepts: • You need to look up, out, and down • The lines are just as important as the boxes • Think about the end before the beginning • Form follows function follows purpose • Balance requires trade-offs • Systems engineering is a team sport • The journey is just as important as the destination • It is not enough to be right; people have to accept that you are right • It always depends • So what? Due to the duration of this tutorial, each of these topics will be covered at a high level. However, each student will receive an annotated bibliography to pursue topics of interest in more detail. The tutorial follows the terminology and conventions of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (SEH), ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, the INCOSE Systems Engineering Competency Framework (ISECF) and the Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK). As part of this tutorial, each participant will be encouraged to develop an initial Personal Action Plan to guide their future development plans.