MBSE Lightning Round: MBSE Implementation progress reports from the field

Mark Sampson (INCOSE)
Robert Halligan (PPI)
Elise Higgins (Medtronic)
Emilee Bovre (NASA)


Dramatically increasing product complexity has taken us past the debate of whether MBSE is needed to a discussion on how to best implement it in organizations. Given the breadth of experience, the MBSE Initiative has started concentrating information into 18-minute TED-like Lightning Round talks on MBSE implementation in a variety of industries and applications with the goal to transfer insights in a rapid way so you can apply the lessons, approaches, etc. in your own organizations. We hope you can join us for our next MBSE Lightning Round at the International Symposium. Agenda: · 15:30-15:45 MBSE Initiative Update/Lightning Round Introduction - Mark Sampson · 15:45-16:05 Topic: MBSE in problem definition: “MBSE in the Problem Domain--even more valuable than Model-Based Design?” - Robert Halligan · 16:05-16:25 Topic: MBSE in Medical Devices: “Transforming development from documents to model-centric design” - Elise Higgins · 16:25-16:45 Topic: MBSE in Space Exploration: “Model-Based Qualification for Europa Clipper Remote Engineering Unit Testbed” - Emilee Bovre · 16:45-17:00 Panel Q&A session