NRO Application of a SOW Model

Daniel Hettema, David Burns, Cecil Tiblin (National Reconnaissance Office (NRO))

MBSE;DE Transition;SOW;Modeling;Profile Development;Acquisition

The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is transitioning from a siloed approach of engineering to an integrated and cross-discipline Digital Engineering (DE) approach. The Systems Engineering Directorate (SED) is at the tip of the spear for that transition. As we look to acquire the next generation of a digital engineering workforce, SED government personal know that the best way to acquire a DE workforce is for us to 'practice what we preach' and approach it from a DE perspective. In support of that, SED government developed a model to aid in the traceability of requirements from current to future contracts across the new acquisition strategy responsibility lines. This allows for clarity as contract transitions occur and aids in developing a Statement of Work (SOW) for each new contract. It also allowed for both top-down and bottoms-up requirements decomposition and traceability to ensure gap closure across the portfolio while keeping interfaces and responsibilities clearly defined between contracts. The model went through multiple development interactions to meet the needs laid out by senior leadership. This presentation will provide an overview of the model, excerpts of the modeling profile developed, discussions on how it was used for gap analysis, lessons learned, and government path forward.