Topic Overview:
One of the key concepts defined by the INCOSE DEIXWG (Digital Engineering Exchange Working group) is the DVM (digital viewpoint Model). The DVM is a reference model of how engineering information is provided to various consumers (stakeholders) formalized as viewpoints and views. Such exchange viewpoints are the core value of the digital engineering process. Views are made by assembling digital information items from multiple authoritative sources, such as requirements data, MBSE architectures, V&V data, and implementation disciplines models, into meaningful digital renderings. Such views serve stakeholders to conduct activities such as gate reviews for example. DVM does not currently suggest on how it is implemented, and there are quite a few challenges in realizing such combined views in a systematic way, without resorting to a document centric process. In this presentation we discuss a framework and an implementation platform to represent digital items across domains and tools, establish the necessary relationships, and enable the systematic creation of digital views. We will show how standard ontologies, link data, and graph-based self serve queries can produce views in various presentations such as tables, KPI charts, and relationship graphs. The framework is based on the Open Services for Lifecycle (OSLC), which is an open specification that addresses common data representation, cross domain linking, data exchange, and tool collaboration. In addition to OSLC we will discuss specific tooling implementation that leverage the OSLC specification to support realization of DVM like concepts. We will use examples such as change impact considerations, safety related compliance and more.
Related industries: Digital engineering is essentially a cross industry topic. Nevertheless it becomes more beneficial and critical for industries that deal with large complex systems, such as Aerospace and Defense, and Automotive. It would also be highly relevant for adjacent industries such as Medical Devices, Electronics, Railways and Marine industries etc.
Benefits: Digital engineering is a topic which is highly discussed in the abovementioned industries, but the industry is still looking for implementation approaches. It is important to mention that Digital Engineering and the DEIXWG DVM is a much wider concept than MBSE (eg SysML tools). So while MBSE which is an important pillar, is getting more traction, realizing a DVM like model requires wider cross domain framework that can deal with multi-domain models. The proposed talk details a standards based approach for such a framework. The imminent takeaways is enriching systems engineers and MBSE practitioners with concepts that will help them solutioning DE frameworks.
The presenter: Eran Gery has over 25 years of experience in deploying MBSE and lifecycle processes into the Aerspace/Defence, Automotive, and other complex systems industries as a lead IBM ELM Solution Architect. Eran has been an active member of OMG SysML and UML submission and RTF teams since the inception of UML and SysML 1.0. Eran is also active in the OASIS OSLC community, working across industries on leveraging OSLC as a digital lifecycle framework. Eran is also active member of the INCOSE DEIXWG. As part of his daily work Eran engages with implementation of various industry practices such as the Aviation ARP4754a and DO178 practices, and the Automotive ASPICE and ISO26262 practices. In short the speaker has a very wide perspective that combines industry challenges with engineering lifecycle solutioning.