Defining a Measurement Framework for Digital Engineering

Joseph Bradley (Main Sail, LLC)
Thomas McDermott (SERC)

Digital Engineering;Model Based Engineering;Model Based System Engineering;Measurement Framework

Many industries are undergoing profound transformational change from traditional engineering methods to a future based on digital models and cross-functional digital designs and solutions. As stated by the INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2035, “The future of Systems Engineering is Model Based”. We are still in the early stages of this Digital Transformation, and our processes, tools, methods, and measures must mature to fully achieve the apparent benefits of applying digital engineering methods and models across the product life cycle.

Organizations must be able to measure the effectiveness and business impact of digital engineering relative to traditional engineering methods. Indeed, measures of effectiveness are key enablers for this digital transformation – but as evidenced by academic research including a SERC/INCOSE/NDIA survey of MBSE maturity and effectiveness, measurement of model-based practices and digital engineering implementations is one area of low maturity currently.

INCOSE is partnering with a broad set of stakeholders across industry, government, and academia to develop a proposed measurement framework for digital engineering, using a process based on Practical Software and Systems Measurement (PSM) to define measures aligned with business information needs. The objective of this working group is to help projects and enterprises establish an initial path toward transition and implementation of digital engineering methods and to be able to assess the effectiveness of their digital engineering transformation initiatives.

This presentation will provide an overview of the Digital Engineering Measurement working group, a summary of applicable studies from SERC and other researchers on digital engineering/MBSE measures and benefits, and an overview of the initial digital engineering measurement framework published spring of 2022. We will also discuss the way forward now that a baseline framework has been published.