Loss-Driven Systems Engineering (LDSE) is the value adding unification of the systems engineering specialty areas that address the potential losses associated with systems. Examples of those specialty areas include resilience, safety, security, operational risk, environmental protection quality, availability. These specialty areas often work separately from one another. We believe there is commonality and synergy among these specialty areas that should be exploited, including vocabulary, taxonomy, modeling and analysis, adversities considered, losses considered, requirements, and architectural & design techniques. We believe SE can harness this commonality to better manage possible system related loss. We call this unification LDSE.
The potential benefits of the unification Loss-Driven approaches include:
• Reduced engineering effort by eliminating redundant activities among the specialty areas
• A more comprehensive consideration of loss
• Eliminating conflicts among the loss-driven solutions
• Effective solutions that address the interests of multiple loss-driven specialty areas
• A holistic loss-based viewpoint addressing the multiple perspectives
• Reducing the load of data generated by multiple specialty areas
• Mutual learning among the loss-driven specialty areas