Enterprise Adoption of DE and MBSE: Lessons from Research
1.5.1: Digital Engineering
Session Chair: Jean Duprez
Presenter(s): Tom McDermott (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Author(s): Kaitlin Henderson (Virginia Tech)
Presentation: 36
When: Mon 17, Jul 10:00-10:40 HST
Where: 316A
Keywords: Digital Engineering Model-Based Systems Engineering Enterprise Systems Measurement Workforce Culture
Topics: 2.1. Business or Mission Analysis22. Social/Sociotechnical and Economic Systems3.5. Technical Leadership5.3. MBSE & Digital Engineering6. Defense9. Enterprise SE (organization, policies, knowledge, etc.)
Abstract: This presentation summarizes research on the organizational adoption of Digital Engineering (DE) and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). For the last five years, the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) has conducted a sustained series of research tasks evaluating and developing a model for DE/MBSE adoption. This presentation summarizes the results for each stage of this research, presents the derived model of enterprise adoption factors, then outlines an adoption strategy using lessons learned and the highest impact adoption factors. Organizational adoption of DE/MBSE requires a strong foundation in systems engineering and a multi-year organizational digital transformation strategy. There are two overarching measurable outcomes that should guide this transformation. The first is the increased levels of knowledge gained from integrating a formal systems level model to lower-level component and disciplinary models, resulting in improved system quality and lower total effort. The second is increased efficiency from digital integration of data and models, resulting in reduced cycle times. To scale adoption of DE/MBSE methods, processes, tools, and human capital, the organizations must be able to visualize these outcomes as they grow over time. The body of research summarized here provides a justification and initiating framework for organizations wanting to undergo digital transformation of their engineering practice.
Biography Tom McDermott: Tom McDermott is the Chief Technology Officer of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) and a faculty member in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. He previously held roles as Faculty and Director of Research at Georgia Tech Research Institute and Director and Integrated Product Team Manager at Lockheed Martin. Mr. McDermott teaches system architecture, systems and critical thinking, and engineering leadership. He provides executive level consulting as a systems engineering and organizational strategy expert. He is a fellow of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and recently completed 3 years as INCOSE Director of Strategic Integration.