Both the SysML and Modelica standards are used in the field of Systems Engineering (SE) to model systems from different perspectives, on different abstraction levels. SysML is strong when modeling systems on the functional level; also, because it provides different views. With the capabilities of other simulation specifications, the engineers can simulate the system architecture. On the other hand, an open standard, such as Modelica is a key enabler for representing multi-physical systems described by differential, algebraic, and discrete equations. With the symbolic manipulation, the dynamics of the systems are represented in state space form and solved by the numerical integration methods fixed or variable step. However, it is clear that the connection between systems engineering and system simulation, with their respective domain knowledge of the actual equipment in their system, is missing. By seeing these complementary values, the authors demonstrate both languages’ interaction to integrate SysML and Modelica to achieve complimentary values through bi-directional transformation and simulation.