Application of SysMLv1 vs SysMLv2 in the Scope of the MagicGrid Framework

Aiste Aleksandraviciene (No Magic)
Zilvinas Strolia, Osvaldas Jankauskas (Dassault Systemes)

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE);Systems Modeling Language (SysML);SysMLv1;SysMLv2;MBSE methodology;MagicGrid
This paper aims to assess the impact of the next generation Systems Modeling Language, SysMLv2, on the established framework for the model-based systems engineering (MBSE), MagicGrid. The research involves the parallel application of SysMLv1 and SysMLv2 to build two models of the problem domain definition by following the steps defined by the framework. Modeling concepts of both languages used to create the models are compared, differences disclosed, and advantages and disadvantages assessed.