Application of Model-Based Systems Engineering Within the Automotive Industry — a Current State
Daniel Brenk, Sebastian Seiffert, Artur Rauh (UL Method Park GmbH)
Model-Based Systems Engineering;MBSE;Automotive;Survey
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) has been utilized within the automotive industry for several years. Increasing complexity due to highly automated, connected vehicles demand more than ever methods to cope with this complexity. In most cases, currently only specific partial aspects or single methods of MBSE are used, which even varies across different companies. This paper aims to examine the current implementation of MBSE based on samples collected from various automotive suppliers (referred to as “Tier 1”). Various aspects are explored, including the scope of application throughout the product lifecycle, the use of simulation methods and the collaboration with other disciplines within product development. In the end an evaluation dis-cusses reasons for the current state and recommendations are given.