Model-Based Architectural Patterns for Teaching Systems Engineering

Bhushan Lohar (Assistant Professor- Systems Engineering at the University of South Alabama)
Robert Cloutier (Research Professor - Systems Engineering at the University of South Alabama)

model-based system engineering (MBSE); model-based systems architecting (MBSA); mod-el-based pattern language (MBPL); SysML patterns; pattern library; pattern language
Systems Engineering may be one of the fastest evolving engineering disciplines today. With each new technology introduction, the practice of systems engineering is challenged to adapt in order to apply systems engineering to the new technology. Two such practices that have been appearing in university curricula are Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Architectural Patterns. The combination of MBSE and patterns has proven to be a powerful construct. This paper looks at the use of a space-based patterns library (language) in a graduate level system engineering curricula to teach MBSE. The “INCOSE systems Engineering Vision 2035” de-fines, by 2035, the systems engineering practices will be based on a set of theoretical foundations and other general principles that are taught constantly as part of systems engineering curriculum. This literature provides the roots and needs of academic coursework for teaching model-based systems engineering. In this paper, we aimed to provide details of the usage of pattern library concept developed for the NASA and its usage by the systems engineering graduate students that eased the development of new space-based systems architectures. Again, our objective is to incorporate INCOSE Vision 2035 in the academia using Model-Based Architectural Patterns for Teaching Systems Engineering.