MBSE for Real World Teams

David Hetherington (System Strategy, Inc)
Oliver Hoehne (WSP)
Pascal Roques (PRFC)
Junji Kuriyama, Takashi Nishimura (Denso Create)

MBSE barriers to adoption;SysML;Arcadia;Denso Create;Thales;Obeo;functional analysis
With the release of the OMG SysML in 2007, there was a surge of enthusiasm for model-based systems engineering (MBSE). Expectations were high. Cumbersome, fragmented documents would be completely replaced by coherent, fully integrated models. This utopian vision has largely failed to materialize. This paper will introduce some of the basic human factors issues that were overlooked. The paper will then discuss three concrete cases in which a struggling community adapted the MBSE approach.