Industrial DevOps and Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Systems

Suzette Johnson (Northrop Grumman)
Robin Yeman (Carnegie Mellon, SEI)

digital twin;cyber-physical systems;agility;safety-critical;digital engineering
Industrial DevOps applies Agile, Lean, DevOps, and digital transformation capabilities to the full lifecycle of cyber-physical systems. As we engineer and build the physical system, we also build its digital twin, the replication of the physical system. This digital twin is important as it can provide real-time data and advanced analytics to improve decision-making, streamline operations, and create simulation environments to test changes before releasing to the physical instance. In this presentation we will discuss the importance of digital twins, the challenges they address, and the benefits to the organization. This will include how the factory that manufactures the cyber-physical system is also a cyber-physical system with a digital twin.
In addition, we will discuss the importance of experimentation and validated learning, feedback loops, and how data is used for problem solving analysis for the product we are building and for the digital twin of the factory. Bringing this together we will demonstrate the relationship of digital twins for cyber-physical systems with DevOps for software to enable agility and speed of value delivery to the customer. We will highlight where these capabilities are being applied across industry and academia. Participants will receive recommendations for getting started and questions for their team to answer as they shape your organization’s technology roadmap.