Systems Engineering Application for Better Design and Analysis of an Assembly Process
Adel Taghiyar (Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH) Saulius Pavalkis (Dassault Systèmes) Ralf God, Oliver C. Eichmann (Technische Universität Hamburg, Institut für Flugzeug-Kabinensysteme) Sven Lammers (Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH)
SysML-PPR Model Transformation;System Behavior based Trade-off Analysis;Production-Specific Simulation;Assembly Scenario;Product-Process-Resource (PPR) View
The use of systems engineering has proven effective in managing complexity and improving system design. Model based system engineering utilizing the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) espe-cially helps in multidisciplinary environments where engineering data needs to be transformed and integrated between environments. Manufacturing is another discipline same as systems engineering is on active digitalization transformation. In the paper, we propose method and solution to apply MBSE for improvement of process planning of assembly lines leveraging model based approach. SysML modeling and execution enable automation of analysis activities as trade-off, where the be-havior of various assembly scenarios of an assembly line can be captured using SysML behavioral diagrams and compared based on various evaluation criteria. However, relying solely on descriptive SysML system models without integrating the virtual representation of the assembly line is insuffi-cient to verify all aspects of system behavior, such as ergonomics and collision avoidance. The main objective of this work is to present a concept for transforming SysML assembly scenarios into the process and resources models of the computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) envi-ronment. This yields a holistic view that serves as a foundation for further production-related simu-lations and analyses, enhancing efficiency, ergonomic design, factory layout, and material flow, ensuring effective assembly workstation design optimized at systems engineering level.