Enhancing Data-Driven Decision Making through MBSE
Greg Parnell (University of Arkansas) C. Robert Kenley (Purdue University) Devon Clark (Deloitte Consulting) Frank Salvatore (SAIC) Jared Smith (Deloitte Consulting)
mbse;decision analysis working group;digital transformation;decision;decision analysis;decision management;sysml;dodaf;uaf;architecture;management;project management;risk;configuration management;patterns;reuse
In today's fast-paced data-driven landscape, the capability to make swift, consistent, and accurate multi-factored decisions is not just advantageous – it's imperative. Join INCOSE Fellow, Dr. Greg Parnell, as he guides audience participants through the Decision Analysis Data Model (DADM), a model-based data model for conducting multi-factored decision analyses. Participants will gain an understanding of the DADM and the impact it will have on the future of decision making.