Evolving Roles in Systems Engineering — Insights from Germany’s Mechanical and Plant Engineering Sector
Lydia Kaiser (DE 4.0 — TU Berlin) Daria Wilke (Fraunhofer IEM) Felix Förster (ISEM - TU Hamburg) Ingmarie Köhler (TU Berlin) Roman Dumitrescu (Fraunhofer IEM)
Systems Engineering Roles;German Industry;Role Evolution;Competencies;Job postings;Literature Review
Systems Engineering is developing differently in each sector and region. In German industry, especially in mechanical and plant engineering, Systems Engineering is of major importance. During the introduction of Systems Engineering, the question arises as to which roles and competencies are required. This article examines the evolution of roles in Systems Engineering from a German perspective. Based on a literature review, the evolution of the identified Systems Engineering roles over time, starting with the seminal publication by Sheard in 1996, is shown. It points out that only minimal adjustments and occasional role renaming have occurred. However, the review shows a common understanding of essential areas of responsibility within the SE and changes over time. The next step is to examine the current comprehension of Systems Engineering roles in the industry. A quantitative analysis of job postings in Germany reveals a diverse interpretation of the term 'Systems Engineer; more than half of the positions cannot be categorized according to INCOSE definitions. The job postings are used to determine which tasks are associated with it, how often they occur, and in what combination. The primary responsibilities of system engineers include creating and managing requirements, architecture processes, validation and verification processes, and coordinating with customers and stakeholders. Finally, three representative companies from the mechanical and plant engineering sector were selected to analyze existing roles and tasks. From this, a common understanding of tasks and responsibilities is combined and organized in clusters. These serve the companies to locate and thus derive their roles. This results in an integrative approach that enables companies, especially in the midsize and medium sectors, to design the introduction in line with stakeholder demands. In summary, the industry's ongoing adaptation necessitates the evolution of Systems Engineering roles and competencies for successful and sustainable implementation of Systems Engineering.