How the INCOSE Model-Based Capability Matrix has Steered Model-Based Systems Engineering Transformation at NASA

Gregory Pierce, Patricia Nicoli, Terry Hill, Steven Cornford (NASA)

MBSE;digital engineering;MBCA;MBCM
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is embarking on new, complex, and diverse missions to accomplish its scientific and exploration objectives, and it views digital trans-formation as a key enabler for those missions. The NASA Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Leadership Team (MLT) is leading the charge in the digital transformation of the systems engineering domain at NASA, and it is using the INCOSE Model-Based Capability Matrix (MBCM) as a roadmap. This paper discusses the modifications and tailoring of the INCOSE MBCM (Hale & Hoheb, 2020) for use at NASA, the process the team has taken on multiple rounds of assessment, findings to date, and work products that have been generated as a result of the assessment. The paper will also discuss findings and potential changes that should be made to the original product.