As systems engineering leaders, we often feel pulled in multiple directions by our
desire or a call to assist and lead in multiple areas of life: work, school,
non-profit organizations, family, and our communities. How should we
effectively manage it all?
Excellence in our organizations and lives hinges upon an individual's ability to drive
towards goals, where execution quality leans upon leadership frameworks and
processes that unlock timely strategic decision-making and critical thinking
capabilities. The systems engineering process and systems thinking
methodologies can invoke self-management and leadership practices that open
equitable innovation and success pathways across life and work.
The presenters will walk through their case studies (spanning the aerospace and
defense industry and engineering nonprofits) leveraging systems engineering
processes and systems thinking methodologies as a methodology driving equitable
success across life and work that foster thought leadership, innovation,
collaboration, and positive results at work, in our communities, with our
families, and within ourselves. We all want to "win" in these
domains, which requires a teaming dynamic and self-management system that
fosters the right culture-driving behaviors, habits, and designs that create
the right future process, responses, and systems across each domain.
After attending, attendees should be able to leverage the systems engineering process
and systems thinking tools to identify what is and is not working to help
systems engineering leaders thrive in their careers while driving an
organizational culture that fosters innovation and measurable progress.
The presenters will review applied research findings from aerospace engineering and
tech organizations, universities, and nonprofit associations, which have led to
a reusable and early framework that will be shared with attendees.
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