Smart Cities from architecture to application: A socialization of industry best practices

Jennnifer Russell (Garver)
Christian Neureiter (Head of Josef Ressel Center for Dependable System-of-Systems Engineering Salzburg University of Applied Sciences)
Cecilia Haskins (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Southeastern Norway (USN))
Jawahar Bhalla (JB Engineering Systems)
Martin Serrano (Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics)
Michael Dunaway (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))

Smart City;Systems Thinking;Society 5.0
Smart cities development includes considerations and implications for technology developers, city policy makers, and sustainability practitioners. While each of these is focused on their practice, each is creating tomorrow’s smart cities. Can we, as systems engineers, find the common threads among these and where the interfaces between these distinct practices? Join us for a discussion about the current state of practice for these areas and how they are inter-dependent for creating a smart city.