Think Like an Ecosystem: Deploying MBSE Within Your Organization

Allison Lyle (Studio SE, Ltd)
Rae Lewark (Studio SE Ltd)
Casey Medina (Studio SE, Ltd)

MBSE;CATIA;Biomimicry;Sustainability;MBSE Deployment;Systems Design;Systems Thinking
The systems we design are inherently natural. Every ecosystem on this planet operates within the laws of physics and subsequently the laws of ecology. All systems undergo change. These disruptions to the status quo may be unexpected or introduced intentionally. Fortunately, we can leverage the sophistication of our ever-changing and adaptive natural ecosystems to better understand how we can manage change within our human and engineered systems.

We propose that an organization can improve and accelerate the deployment of a new initiative by looking to nature and taking cues from ecosystem succession principles. Specifically, we translate characteristics of each stage of ecosystem succession and apply them to the stages of deployment of MBSE within an organization. We can draw on analogies from ecosystem disruption to develop resilient processes, leverage patterns, utilize resources, and advance the modeling ecosystem.

We will introduce a Bio-Inspired Design process that can be used by organizational leaders, program managers and MBSE practitioners involved in both small and large-scale technological transformations. We discuss strategies employed in nature in response to a disruption, and apply them to your MBSE deployment practice. Using these tools, you can leverage nature's genius to build efficiency into the modeling endeavor and beyond.

The adoption of a metaphorical biomimetic model enriches the discourse surrounding MBSE adoption, recognizes the complexities of the organizational ecosystem, and provides a foundation for developing an adaptive organizational strategy. Natural systems are not stagnant, and an MBSE initiative should not be either. With a diverse span of stakeholders, approaching MBSE deployment with an adaptive process facilitates resilience and success.