Tailoring of NASA-STD-3001 to the Lunar Gateway Program Requirements

Jackelynne Silva-Martinez (NASA)

systems engineering and integration;human systems integration;moon to mars;artemis;gateway;lunar exploration
The Gateway Program must meet NASA's Agency-level human rating requirements, which are in-tended to accommodate human capabilities and limitations while protecting the safety of the crew, and providing to the maximum extent practical, the capability to safely recover the crew from hazardous situations. Human systems integration requirements represent a key component of human rating of Moon to Mars systems to support the execution of Artemis missions, including compliance with mandatory standards for Health and Medical, Safety and Mission Assurance, and Engineering. The human system requirements, together with the human systems integration plan, medical operations requirements, and Gateway subsystem specifications, represent the flow-down of NASA Health and Medical Standards (NASA-STD-3001, Volumes 1 and 2) into the Gateway system. This paper discusses how these documents and other human systems integration activities provide full consideration of human capabilities and limitations as part of the total system design trade space, serving as an example on how the human must be effectively integrated as part of the system in order to achieve mission success.