Leading in Uncertainty: A Framework to Improve Performance

Eric Specking (University of Arkansas)
Andrew Murrell (Northrop Grumman)
Alexander Chang (The Aerospace Corporation)
Robert Schwenke (Sandia National Laboratory)
Donna Long (Blue Holon)
Mikaela Stewart (Cubic Transportation Systems)
Luis Andes-Olmedo (Airbus Defence & Space)

Uncertainty;Leadership;Technical Leadership;Framework
We are all leaders in our organizations in some form. As leaders, we often face elements outside our control. As systems engineers, we think of technical uncertainties, which we attempt to predict, manage, and mitigate. As leaders many of the uncertainties experienced are not technical. They involve elements, such as people, and incorporate unknown and known unknowns. We propose a framework to provide leaders with a tool to help achieve their goals with the uncertainties they face as leaders.