A Universal Method to Assess Whether Medical Benefit Exceeds Medical Risk

Richard Matt (Midwest Consulting)

Benefit/Risk Ratio;Benefit Exceeds Risk;Benefit-Risk;benefit:risk;benefit risk;Risk-Benefit;BRA;RBA;Risk Management;Objective;Novel;Risk Algebra;efficacy;safety

Evidence that the Benefit of a medical procedure exceeds its Risk is foundational for all branches of medicine. From Hippocrates’ “First, do no harm” to the European Union’s Medical Device Regulations, the concept that Benefit exceeds Risk is the gating criteria to a host of medical events.

Despite this, the Medical Industry has no agreed-upon approach to make this critical determination. This tutorial discusses the first-ever, universal framework to determine whether benefit exceeds risk. 

The method is both dramatically more objective than dominant methods and intuitively clear.  The combination of these two factors makes the method's conclusions intuitively compelling.