SysIDE: ‘systems-as-code’ future with SysML v2 today

Juozas Vaicenavičius, Simonas Draukšas (Sensmetry)

MBSE; SysMLv2; Systems-as-code; tools; software; SysML v2; open source; SysIDE

SysIDE – a leading open source SysML v2 textual editing & analysis tool developed by Sensmetry – introduces ‘X-as-code’ paradigm to MBSE. With the power of SysMLv2 textual notation and SysIDE, you can develop models faster, future-proof your models and avoid vendor lock-in, and ensure that your system models are used throughout the whole system lifecycle and throughout all domains.

SysIDE already has a happy userbase, which includes household names of the industry. Come and talk to Sensmetry to find out how you can start your ‘systems-as-code’ journey and how we could help you.